
Crafty and Felty

This week, my art class is doing Mother's day card for the coming Mother's day. The kids seems happy and when i tell them they have to do something nice for their mom... they seems very happy and really do it with all their heart.. just wanted to show to their mom, they can do it. :)

here is my simple idea for the card, :)

The materials : Colorful paper, blank paper, ribbons, PVA glue, scissors, color pencil and markers.
Draw 3 stars and a long patterns as above

stars : color it. long patterns : make some patterns and color it.
fold the paper like this (choose a color paper and make sure its thicker paper)

inside the card : write as above.
cut off the long pattern

stick it on the lid of the card

you can decorate it as above with any kind of ribbon's color.
outside decoration, just make a simple ribbon line. cut a ribbon as the card size.

tie a ribbon in the middle

stick it on to the card.

remember the 3 stars? you color it, and write M O M on it, cut and stick inside the card as above.
Now, i guess the card is ready, all that i teach here is just a basic. You can always be creative and do your new idea to decorate more on the card. GOOD LUCK! :)

Here's are some example :-

Happy Mother's Day to all MOTHER!! :)
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finally, I made this blog :)

I always have passion in art and more into doing crafts. Last year I attended a convention about stitching art, it was awesome and fun. I've learns felt art and I completely falling in love with felt art.  

Below are some pictures about felt craft from Japan. They are so cute and really makes me adore it ^_^

Japan Felt craft - epal Convention 2010

epal convention 2010

epal convintion 2010

epal convention 2010

epal convention 2010
Now, I'm going to make my own felt art and would like to make DIY felt craft for kids to learn.

Talking about stitching and felt, kids should learn how to, because that is one of the skills that they should have. skills are very important for us, without skills it's hard for us to be independent in this life ;-p

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